Saturday 30 October 2010

Emerald Taffeta

There's nothing quite like the promise of unsewn fabric sitting fat, scrunchy and gleeming waiting to be sewn into my first ever dress pattern.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Not Well

I've been feeling under the weather recently, but tucked up under my bed, a present was waiting from Mum: The Not Well Box. Neatly packed, everything a sick person could dream of, sucky sweets, soups, a clean pillow case, medicine, wet wipes, bottles of drink, even plastic spoons. The thoughtfulness and tenderness with which it had been put together was one of the most restoring things; I felt better just looking at it.

Frosty Mornings

Friday 22 October 2010


Check out the funky new lab coat:
Our work had a long incubation time . . . .

Gospel Day of Fun

Well I suppose the time has come for you to be introduced to an official day of fun. Techincally they can't planned but in order not to be exclusive we decided to turn it into an official event for the Gospel Choir this year.
Step 1. Arrive at the Green.
Have  a wee chit chat and generally become aquainted with the freshers.

2. Win a game of Bulldog

3. Have a sit down as we're all very unfit and stuck-in-the-mud and Bulldog have worn us out.

4. Pair up for a piggy back race:

 No surprises who's gonna win there!

5. Argue over the appaling cheating at rounders with bat. Hit cheat with rounders bat. Have shoes stolen in retaliation. Chase offender round the green with bat in attempt to recover said shoes. Recover shoes from ditch.

 6. Head off to pub for warming meal and drinks.
 7. Relocate to new pub for cheaper drinks.
Day of Fun: Done. 

Do You Want Some Limoncello?

Nothing quite like a houseparty . . .

Friday 15 October 2010

Late Night Crumble

I'm not quite sure how it started but the other night we got persuaded to go home early to make crumble and being the domestic godesses that we are (apart from when the fire alarm acts as my cooking timer) we somehow thought this was a good idea. And so off we went:

 And off we go into the night, a steaming crumble in our hands, we lay it on the matt, the oven gloves neatly arranged next to it, pressing the doorbell with anticipation and then giggling off to hide behind the wheely bins. However, those present in the house got rather more of a surprise than we'd bargained for, with thier fellow housemates not being back yet (despite their promises!) they really did think the pudding fairies had been.

So of course revenge had to be sought to this hideous downfall. Underwear was hidden, however due to a slight laundry crisis they were all in the washing machine Now as much as I'm a practical joker I'm not that mean and so one pair was left to dry, but of course he had to find them first. We had a lot of fun creating an Easter Egg type rhyming trail.

 ''In here it's chilly, unlike a hot geezer, you're next clue is in the ......''

Four In A Wardrobe

Impressive huh?!

Lazy Sunday

There's always something deliciously lazy about long sunny Sundays, when you wake up in your own time, the sun beaming through the curtains luring you out to do lazy sunday activities. This Sunday personified the perfect lazy day:

 I found with the whole day ahead of me and no work to do (a allow myself one day off a week) I didn't want to stay in bed, me, I wannted to bake. And bake I did, much to the consternation of my alarmed housemates (there's such a thing as 9am on a Sunday?!!)

  We proceeded to laze the day away, trimming some hair here.
Then we were inticed down to the fair.

Ending with some candyfloss moustaches!!

Thursday 7 October 2010

A Soupcon Of Success

Despite loving the stuff, I have always been reputedly bad at making soup. But it would seem my luck has changed. Yesterday I made sweet potato and carrot soup and it, even though I say it myself, was delicious and went down a treat with the girls:
 The recipe was:
  1. Fry  half an onion finely sliced with 2 cloves of crushed garlic (I adore garlic so I used 4 but that's just me) in butter for 5 minutes or until very soft.
  2. Add a chopped sweet potato and a chopped carrot (approx 1cm cubes) and cover with chicken stock. Sprinkle some cumin in.
  3. Bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes or until the vegetables are soft and mushy, top up with water if necessary.
  4. Blend, stir in milk and a sprinkle of black pepper. Serve.


What would happen if, everything that had been so regimentally straight:
 All turned a little bit wonky?
  Oh dear.
''It's just so wonky!!! I need it to be straight''

n.b. no Hannah's were harmed in the making of this blog.

Tuesday 5 October 2010



Visiting my Nan's this weekend I snapped this beautiful shot of my sister:
Maybe I'm just overly proud but I just think that she looks like the perfect pregnant lady, everything from the partially knitting blanket right down to the pink fluffy socks.

I like this one too. Maybe a bit too much birthday cake!


What's happened to us?! 2am on a Friday night and we're in playing scrabble:
The Dyslexic v. The English Student

Despite early promise from The Dyslexic, The English Student did remain true to form and pull a spectacular victory with 'relaxed'.

Friday 1 October 2010


I suggested we make his room a mirror image, someone else joined in and suggested we turn it upside down, it took one more to say that it was easier to just wreck it. Either way it appear's he's done something to anger the gospel statue:
He saw the funny side.