Sunday 27 February 2011

Eighty Nine

My Nanny, 89 and still going strong:
 She's still got her chuckle.
Partially provided by Pop's impromptu (and really ratehr poor) magic show!

Happy Birthday Nanny! 

Sunday 13 February 2011

Saturday 12 February 2011

You will go to the ball

My first attempt at dressmaking. It did not turn out how it had looked in my head. And yet, such was my stubboness that I had nothing else to wear to the ball. Thus, after taking it in, taking it up, removing one strap, making it one shouldered, returning the strap, improving the bust and finally altering the shoulders once more, it was finished. I had to leave at 6, I sewed until 4.
 It's definitely not perfect, and I don't think I'll use a vintage pattern again in a hurry, but it's ok.
And it's always nice to get dressed up together.
You can see the strap that I had to hastily reattach here but I did learn alot, I feel much more prepared for dress no. 2!

Saturday 5 February 2011