Monday 9 April 2012

Bank Holiday Monday

A typical, coastal,  washed out bank holiday. Leaden skies, sheets of rain rattling the window pains and the squawking of desolate seagulls blown in from the sea. Definitely the kind of bank holiday that should be spent in front of the fire, in a cosy cottage next to the beach, rubbing a soft warm dog tummy!

Sunday 8 April 2012

Happy Families

Just like every other Easter Sunday we all gathered for the 'Resurrection Dinner' at the eldest cousin's house. 

Same beautiful eldest cousin,
newly toddling little boy,
same random craft project,
even more delicious meal,
same perfect Pops but with brand new cousin.

Mainly it was just the same as the others in previous years but what I noticed for the first time this year was just how burningly happy everyone was. I mean it's been just as happy every other year, I just never noticed before. There are a lot of reasons for people in that house to be really miserable, not just from a bad year this year, but unfortunately life has been decidely inconsiderate to the people I hold so dear. But what's amazing is that you'd never hear or feel it; never does a moan pass their lips or any ingratitude for their lot appear. Instead, they are boisterously happy, laughing and teasing, filled to the brim with a zest for life.  People often ask me how I'm so happy all the time, and whilst I'm sure that part of it is being blessed with happy genes, the other part is definitely my having been taught the art of happiness from this family. It's a skill for life and something for which I shall always be grateful.

''It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy , that makes happiness.''
Charles Spurgeon