Saturday 18 February 2012


It's funny but you'd never think of an ordinary play room, warm and cosy from the ceaseless sheets of rain splattering the windows, would epitomise freedom. You try to define freedom and you think of rolling hills sprinkled with wild flowers, you think of eager nations bursting free from the shackles of oppression, maybe you get philosophical and talk about the ability to make free choices but you definitely do not think of a play room, with a fresh cream cheese stain on the carpet, that's located in suburban Surrey. And yet, on this afternoon that's exactly what it contained. As a little family of 3 we sat and played games with pre loved toys, we laughed and chattered and appreciated each others company. By choosing to stay in for the day we were free from the endless tug of consumerism, we were free others' judgement of more unorthodox parenting styles, but most importantly we were free to be completely ourselves. My perception of freedom has changed - it no longer feels like a physical entity personified by an open road but it is more a state of mind shared between company. A mindset that is open and free to enjoy the present, accepting of what is around but also liberated from unnecessary wants or desires. It's a refreshing way to spend time with people but is surely hard to find away from the unconditional love of family?

Playing 'how many balls can you catch in the curtains'

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