Monday 7 May 2012


I got in.
I'm going to be a doctor. 

It is a very surreal feeling - its taken me more than 2 months to process it enough to actually want to write this post. At first it felt illusory - it was just a bit too good to be true. Then I was terrified and intimidated by the connotations and practicalities - 'I'm never allowed to make a stupid mistake again' and 'wow I am going to be in SO much debt'. But now finally I am happy. Far more than happy, I am thrilled! Absolutely fulled to brim with boundless enthusiasm for the rest of my life. 

I'd done my research (a lot of researcher!) and I knew what I was letting myself in for with the debt, the dramatic lifestyle change, the reality of 10 more years of official studying and a lifetime of learning but your feelings towards these change dramatically when they suddenly morph from a mere  possibility in the future to an imminent reality. A fantastic open day at the Uni addressed every single one of these worries with constructive solutions and since then it's been smooth sailing. 

There is a tremendous satisfaction in wanting something for a very long time, working out what you need to do achieve it, implementing those measures, and finally, after a lot of hard work, achieving exactly what you wanted. Even more so when you're been born into a family who although loving and supportive in every way, aren't able to offer the privileged advantages, financial support and guidance which many of your competitors will have revived.  It was not at all easy but I'm proud to be able to say that this is something I did for myself and it's going to be so very worth it. 

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